- Trixie and the Ushers
"Science Fiction, Double Feature"
- Janet and Brad
"There's A Light (Over at the Frankenstein Place)"
- Brad and Frank
Frank embraces a nervous Brad
- Magenta, Riff-Raff and Columbia
Doin' the "Time Warp"
- Janet, Frank and Brad
Janet and Brad meet Frank for the first time
- Frank and Janet (Sillhouettes)
Frank shooshes Janet in her bedroom
- The Narrator
- Janet
Janet finds Brad and Frank on the monitor
- Janet and 'the girls'
"Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me"
- Frank, Riff-Raff and Brad
They find Janet and Rocky on the monitor
- Brad and 'the girls'
"Once In A While"
- Brad and 'the girls'
"Once In A While"
- Brad and 'the girls'
"Once In A While"
- Frank and Dr. Scott
Meeting for the first time
- All
"...from the day he was born - Eddie's Teddy"
- All
"vroom, vroom - Eddie's Teddy"
- All
"Eddie's Teddy"
- Frank
"...what a guy - Eddie's Teddy"
- Dr. Scott and All
"Eddie's Teddy"
- Frank and All
"...our feet are stuck"
- Frank
"Don't Dream It, Be It"
- Trixie
"Science Fiction, Double Feature Reprise"
- Trixie
"Science Fiction, Double Feature Reprise"
- Frank and Janet
"Sweet Transvestite"
- Rocky and Frank
Frank poses Rocky in Charles Atlas Song
- Rocky and Janet
"Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me"
- Janet and Frank
"Planet Schmanet Janet"
- Columbia
"Floor Show"
- Janet
"Floor Show"
- Trixie
"Science Fiction, Double Feature"
- Magenta
"Time Warp"
- Rocky
"Charles Atlas Song"
- The Narrator
- Janet and Rocky
"Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me"
- Frank and Janet
"Planet Schmanet Janet"
- Columbia
"Floor Show"
- Frank
"Don't Dream It, Be It"
- The Narrator
"I would like to take you on a strange journey"
- Magenta
"Time Warp"
- Eddie
"Hot Patootie"
- The Narrator
"...a giant tidal wave"
- Brad
"Once In A While"
- Magenta
Magenta wails
- Rocky
"Floor Show"
- Dr. Scott
"Don't Dream It, Be It"
- Brad and Janet
"There's A Light (Over at the Frankenstein Place)"
- Columbia
"Time Warp"
- Rocky and Frank
Rocky poses in "Charles Atlas Song"
- Janet and Rocky
"Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me"
- Frank and Rocky
- Columbia
Columbia freaks out
- Brad
"Floor Show"
- Frank and All
"I'm Going Home"
- The Narrator
- Frank
"...my beautiful creature is destined to be born"
- Frank and Rocky
"Charles Atlas Song"
- Janet
"Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me"
- Columbia
Columbia morns Eddie in "Eddie's Teddy"
- The Narrator
"Floor Show"
- Brad
"Floor Show"
- Riff-Raff and Magenta
"...but it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane"
- Frank
"Sweet Transvestite" the reveal
- Rocky and Frank
"Sword of Damocles" Rocky's birth
- Rocky and Janet
"...I'm a muscle fan - Charles Atlas Reprise"
- Rocky and Janet
"Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me"
- Dr. Scott
"Eddie's Teddy"
- The Narrator
"Floor Show"
- Janet
"Floor Show"
Richard O'Brien's
The Rocky Horror Show
Performed at the Off Center Theatre in Crown Center - Kansas City, Missouri, from June 14th through July 13th, 2013.
Samn Wright as Frank N Furter
Mandy Morris as Janet Weiss
Noah Whitmore as Brad Majors
Breanne Pickering as Magenta
Tyler Eisenreich as Riff-Raff
Stefanie Stevens as Columbia
Tim Caster as Rocky Horror
Andrew Schmidt as Eddie/Dr. Scott
Bill Pelletier as The Narrator
Erin Huffman: Understudy
Directed by Steven Eubank
Musical Direction by Kevin Bogan
Choreography by Tiffany Powell
Photos by Jeff Mace © 2013
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